Which type of employee are you looking for?

Companies are not just looking for employees, but for personalities. Depending on the industry and position, different soft skills are required. In the end they are crucial. A project manager who can't lead? Or an employee who doesn’t care about the company culture? Even if the technical expertise of the person is right, the entire project can fail due to an unsuitable employee.

Risk: wrong casting

CVs, telephone and personal interviews can enable an initial assessment. But every applicant likes to show their best side, including the usual exaggerations. Only after starting the job and a few weeks of training, it can be determined, whether the new employee really fits into the team. If the employee is the wrong person, the company will lose a lot of time and money. Even though companies realize, that the new employee doesn't fit into the team, they keep them. This can lead to projects failing or the employees suddenly quitting. This costs a lot of time and money.

Be on the safe side – with the 360-degree competency assessment

As part of our 360-degree competency assessment, Bosshard & Partner offers a candidate assessment that, in addition to a telephone and in-depth personal interview, also condenses external assessments by superiors, colleagues and customers into an overall assessment. The different perspectives can be used to provide a realistic assessment of the applicant's strengths and weaknesses. Based on this information, the company can decide whether the applicant fits the job profile or whether we should continue searching.

In addition, specialists from Bosshard & Partner receive constant personal support during the deployment. Bosshard & Partner is also in contact with the customer and can therefore anticipate risks.

The advantages of our competency assessment:

  • time and money savings
  • all opportunities and risks at a glance
  • personnel deployment based on qualifications and personality
  • less work for the company. This leaves more time for core tasks
  • lower risk of the employee suddenly quitting
  • the perfect measure to find the right employee for the project

If you have any questions, the Bosshard & Partner team will be happy to help.


How may I help you?

Michael Wirz

Head of Account Management Member of the Board of Directors

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