Lebenslauf für Freelancer – so überzeugen Sie

Many people struggle with their CVs. In most cases, CVs are outdated or don't fit the job advert in their current form. But how can you show the recruiter that you are exactly the right person for the project?

First of all: don't panic! We at Bosshard & Partner are intermediaries and that also means that we are happy to advise you if you have any questions about your CV or individual stages in your career. If something in your CV raises more questions than it answers, we will certainly point it out to you.

Secondly, there is no such thing as the perfect CV. Experienced freelancers often have five to ten different CVs, which they adapt depending on the project and area of work. After all, you want to show the future client that you have the necessary experience and skills and are the ideal candidate for the project. As always, first impressions count when it comes to a freelancer's CV. Your CV should therefore be no longer than two A4 pages long and include all the notable skills that are required for this project.

For example, if you are applying as a solution architect for a financial institution, you need to show that you have already developed and implemented solution architectures - preferably in the financial sector. However, it is also possible that you have a lot of professional experience as a solution architect, but have not yet worked in this sector. No problem. Talk to us about it. Very often, certain skills are much more important to our clients and they are still interested in you.

What your CV should consist of

Erforderlich sind natürlich die wichtigsten Angaben zu deiner Person:

Of course, the most important information about yourself is required:

  • surname,
  • first name,
  • address,
  • date of birth,
  • telephone number (preferably your mobile number),
  • e-mail address,
  • nationality,
  • marital status and
  • if applicable, a work or residence permit

You should also enclose a recent portrait photo. Please also remember that we will pass your documents on to our customers. Photos in casual leisure wear do not look very professional.

Your CV must include a management summary or executive summary. In this brief summary, you emphasise your professional and personal strengths as well as your professional goals. Based on this information, the customer will immediately recognise the added value you can provide. If you are a candidate for a management position, don't forget to include the relevant tasks and responsibilities.

This is followed by an overview of your professional career. List all your professional and personal skills here. These include, for example:

  • professional expertise
  • industry experience
  • clients and companies
  • Activities as a manager
  • training and further education as well as certifications
  • language skills
  • References

Please note: Do not list more than a maximum of 5-10 professional and personal skills. You should also minimise your school education. Only your most recent school-leaving certificate and your training or studies are important.

Finally, at the end of your CV, you have the option of attaching a project list. This can be a little longer, but should only include the last five years. If you are also applying for a project in the IT sector, it would be a good idea to add the following information to the project list:

  • customers you have worked for
  • goal and success of a project
  • industry
  • your position and responsibility for the respective project
  • duration of the project
  • number of employees or size of the team
  • technologies, development environments and project methodology used
  • budget

How does a freelancer's CV differ from that of an employee?

A freelancer's CV differs from a ‘normal’ CV in many areas. Recruiters in companies like to see that employees have stayed with a company for a long time. This shows stamina and consistency. A freelancer who regularly moves from project to project, on the other hand, can show a CV with many different companies and clients. Similarly, employers tend to look at whether the candidate fits in with the company's philosophy. Freelancers, on the other hand, must be able to integrate quickly and be ready to start immediately. Personal skills such as the ability to work in a team can be decisive.

Don't be afraid of not fullfilling every requirement

It is rare for a CV to match the job requirements 100%. Of course, this is also due to the fact that the customer expresses all their wishes. Some of the requirements are more important than others. The requirements for the project and the freelancer's skills must of course match. If you exaggerate your expertise, you run the risk of the client being dissatisfied or the collaboration even failing. If you communicate openly that you lack experience in certain areas, the client can adapt to this. It is often the case that the client splits a position into two or deploys the candidate differently than planned. Ultimately, you can only benefit from this openness.

It's not the perfect match, but...

It often happens that the project requirements and the freelancer's expertise don't quite match. That can sometimes happen. But if we know exactly where your strengths lie, we usually already have a new project on our desk that matches your skills. Simply rely on your skills and experience. We will then find the project that suits you perfectly.

Do you have any questions about your CV? Or about your candidate? We will be happy to answer your questions: info@bosshardpartner.ch