The challenges of digitalisation - a tailor-made workshop for corporate client consultants
Providing companies with sound advice on digital banking solutions poses new challenges for client consultants. With the slogan ‘Local and Digital’, NAB symbolises that it has accepted these challenges and proactively promotes the further training of its front-line employees.
Bosshard & Partner's individual and customer-specific workshops enabled NAB's corporate client consultants to gain greater advisory confidence in the areas of digitalisation and payment transactions.
«Mit Bosshard & Partner haben wir einen Partner, der aus Erfahrung die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden und die Lösungsangebote unsere Bank kennt. Dies war in jeder Phase unserer Zusammenarbeit spürbar.»

Michael Frey
Neue Aargauer Bank, Teamleiter Vertriebssteuerung