Reception room at Bank Valiant grey tiled floor screens a purple armchair

Training of specialised departments on the new standard in payment transactions

To enable SMEs in particular to benefit from the changes, Valiant has been offering services in the new formats since 2016. To facilitate the migration to the new standard on the one hand and to create added value for its customers on the other, Valiant supports and advises its customers individually and competently, thereby ensuring a smooth and simple transition to the new standard in accordance with ISO standard 20022.

Based on the basic understanding that Valiant was able to convey internally in advance, the bank was able to close knowledge gaps with the support of Bosshard & Partner and professionalise its specialist departments for the new ISO 20022 standard.

«Bosshard & Partner verstand es als externer Partner auf Augenhöhe unsere Bedürfnisse zu erkennen und gleichzeitig Handlungsoptionen inkl. Empfehlungen aufzuzeigen.»

portrait photo of Pascal Collaud
Pascal Collaud

Valiant Bank AG, Leiter Produktmanagement Zahlen/Sparen