
The best of both worlds.

The freelancers acquire their own projects and handle them as they see fit, while Bosshard & Partner takes care of the payroll and legal aspects. This allows the freelancers to concentrate on their work, while at the same time they can rely on correct hourly billing and compliance with all legal requirements.

Permanent placement - placement in the job of your dreams

If a new professional challenge is sought and the security of a permanent position is preferred, Bosshard & Partner offers support. A multi-stage process is used to first determine preferences and strengths in order to find the right client. Throughout the entire placement process, Bosshard & Partner accompanies the freelancer, provides support with all questions and facilitates the start of an interesting career.

Bosshard & Partner will be happy to answer any questions about the services offered. As an experienced IT service provider, the professional career is supported.

Our advantages at a glance

  • Comprehensive selection of varied project opportunities and job offers
  • Customised job offers that can be flexibly adapted to personal preferences and specific requirements
  • Specialised advice and support in the area of IT projects
  • Flexible and diverse contract services

«Das Besondere an unserem Payroll Service? Dass alle Leistungen inklusive sind - von der Beratung vor dem Start bis zum Arbeitszeugnis nach Ende des Projekts.»

Michael Wirz

Bosshard & Partner Unternehmensberatung AG, Head of Account Management


How may I help you?

Michael Wirz

Head of Account Management Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung

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