Employee Recommendations

Is someone currently looking for an IT project or is looking for a career change? We are always looking for IT freelancers to fill existing vacancies with our customers. We would therefore be pleased to hear from you if you recognise a match between one of our open vacancies and someone in your field.

Employees who are already employed by Bosshard und Partner receive a bonus for a successful referral. The contact details, the CV of the IT specialist and the IT projects in which this person is interested must be sent to us so that the bonus can be paid out.

We will then contact the interested parties. For every person referred by Bosshard & Partner to one of our vacancies (permanent position or temporary assignment of at least three months) within the next 12 months (from the date of the referral), you will receive a bonus of CHF 1,000. The reward from the referral programme will be paid three months after the start of the employment relationship, regardless of the duration of the contract.

If you know someone who is looking for a reliable payroll partner for a project they have acquired themselves, we would also be delighted to receive your recommendation. As soon as Bosshard & Partner has achieved a margin of CHF 1,500 with the recommended person, you will receive a bonus of CHF 500 from us.

Conditions of participation and payment

All candidates who are registered with Bosshard & Partner and have been entered into the database will be eligible to participate. Bonus entitlement will be based solely on the criterion that it has been possible to place the recommended person within 12 months from the date of the recommendation. New, recommended employees are individuals who are currently not in an employment relationship with Bosshard & Partner and who have never had such a relationship and are not yet registered as candidates at Bosshard & Partner.

If a recommended candidate is mentioned more than once then the payment will be made to the referring person who first mentioned this candidate to Bosshard & Partner. The main determining factor here will be the date and time of receipt of the recommendation form.

Recourse to legal action is excluded.

«Ich arbeite selbständig und Bosshard & Partner übernimmt den Rest!»

portrait photo of Vlastimil Kudrnac
Vlastimil Kudrnac


«Bei Bosshard & Partner sind die Recruiter am Menschen interessiert - wie er funktioniert, denkt, und über welche Antriebe er verfügt. Man ist nicht einfach eine Nummer, sondern wenn das erste Gespräch gut verlaufen ist, bleibt man im Hinterkopf der Personen bis ein gutes Stellenmatching zu stande kommt.»

portrait photo of Patrick Haag
Patrick Haag


«Ich habe Bosshard & Partner als sehr unkomplizierten Geschäftspartner kennen gelernt, der sowohl gute Mitarbeiter vermittelt als auch Lösungen im IT-Umfeld anbietet. Dabei kommt die persönliche Note nicht zu kurz.»

portrait photo of Jan Simon
Jan Simon


«Bosshard & Partner verstand es als Service Provider voll auf unsere Bedürfnisse einzugehen und diese zu erfüllen. Bereits nach kurzer Zeit konnten erste Erfolge verzeichnet und der Mehrwert der Zusammenarbeit gegenüber Kunden sichtbar gemacht werden.»

portrait photo of Yves Suelzle
Yves Suelzle

Swisscom, Produktverantwortlicher Managed Business Communication



How may I help you?

Jenushan Vijayaratnam

Senior Finance & Administration Manager